Writing With Soul
Writing practice, like zen practice, brings you to the natural state of mind, the wilderness of your mind where there are no refined rows of gladiolias. The mind is raw, full of energy, alive and hungry.
Natalie Goldberg, Wild Mind: Living The Writer᾿s Life

About Writing with Soul
Have you ever wanted to write but were afraid to try? Have you ever secretly had a wonderful story idea, but found it too difficult to put down on paper? Or maybe you have yearned to write from your heart and soul, to know yourself at a deeper level?
Writing is fun! It’s a creative process that allows us all to connect with our inner spontaneity, heart and spirit. Writing gifts us with the opportunity to tell our personal stories and explore our inner self in deeper ways.
Robert Meredith and Shanti Clements have designed Writing With Soul to bring together elements of spiritual practice and creative writing in a 6 week writing workshop.
For people who
- Want to move past creative blocks and limitations
- Would like to connect with their creativity in a fun, gentle and supportive environment
- Are keen to deepen their spiritual practice through creative writing and drama exercises
- Want to express their joy, spontaneity and creativity with more personal choice